Confira os discos preferidos de cada um. A lista deveria ter até dez discos, em ordem de preferência. Quanto mais alta a posição, maior o valor de cada voto.
1. Hot Chip - Made in the dark
2. Last Shadow Puppets - The age of understatement
3. Friendly Fires - Friendly Fires
4. Flight of the Conchords - Flight of the Conchords
5. Sigur Rós - Með Suð à Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust
6. Jakob Dylan- Seeing Things
7. MGMT - Oracular Espetacular
8. Santogold - Santogold
9. Ida Maria - Fortress Round My Heart
10. The Dø - A Mouthful
1. Fortress round my heart - Ida Maria
2. I'm not there OST - Vários
3. Only by the night - Kings of leon
4. Perfect symmetry - Keane
5. Three flights from Alto Nido - Greg Laswell
6. We started nothing - The ting tings
7. Simple times - Joshua Radin
8. Here we stand - Fratellis
9. Dear Science - TV on the radio
10. Little Joy - Little Joy
1. Those dancing days - In our space hero suits
2. Juno soundtrack - Vários
3. Little Joy - Little Joy
4. Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks - Real Emotional Trash
5. Ida Maria - Fortress round my heart
6. ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead - Festival Thyme (EP)
7. Kings of Leon - Only by the Night
8. MGMT - Oracular Spetacular
9. CSS - Donkey
10. of Montreal - Skeletal Lamping
1. Ting tings - We Started Nothing
2. MGMT - Oracular Spetacular
3. Killers - Day and Age
4. Duffy - Rockferry
5. O Teatro Mágico - Segundo Ato
6. 3namassa - Na confraria das sedutoras
7. Santogold - Santogold
8. Hot chip - Made in the Dark
9. Estelle - Shine
10.B 52's - Funplex
1. Music for tourists - Chris garneau
2. We brave bee stings and all - Thao & the get down stay down
3. For emma, forever ago - Bon iver
4. Micah p. hinson and the red empire orchestra - Micah p. hinson
5. Með suð à eyrum við spilum endalaust - Sigur rós
6. Hymns for a dark horse - Bowerbirds
7. You and me - The walkmen
8. Made in the dark - Hot chip
9. Modern guilt - Beck
10. Plan your escape - Girls in hawaii
1. Coldplay - Viva la vida
2. REM - Accelerate
3. Brian Wilson - Lucky old sun
4. Flight of the Conchords - Flight of the Conchords
5. She and him - Volume one
6. João Brasil - 8 Hits
7. Estelle - Shine
8. Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks - Real Emotional Trash
9. Last Shadow Puppets - The age of understatement
10. Keane - Perfect Symmetry
1. Beck - Modern Guilt
2. MGMT - Oracular Spectacular
3. The Kills - Midnight Boom
4. Fujiya & Miyagi - Lightbulbs
5. Santogold - Santogold
6. TV On The Radio - Dear Science
7. of Montreal - Skeletal Lamping
8. The Killers - Day & Age
9. Cut Copy - In Ghost Colours
10. Little Joy - Little Joy
1. Magnetic Fields, Distortion
2 Little Joy - Little Joy
3. Hot Chip - Made in the dark
4 Los Campesinos! - Death to Los Campesinos!
5 Milton Nascimento e Jobim trio - Novas bossas
6. Adriana Calcanhotto - Maré
7 Sondre Lerche - Dan in the Real Life soundtrac
8 R.E.M - Accelerate
9. Lykke Li - Youth Novels
10. Omara Portuondo e Maria Bethânia - Omara Portuondo e Maria Bethânia
1. Fleet Foxes – Fleet Foxes
2. The Kills – Midnight Boom
3. Portishead – Third
4. Beck – Modern Guilt
5. Hercules and Love Affair - Hercules and Love Affair
6. The Do – A monthful
7. dEUS – Vantage Point
8. Hot Chip – Made in the Dark
9. Foals – Antidotes
10. TV on the Radio – Dear Science
1. CSS - Donkey
2. Foals - Foals
3. Hot Chip - Made in the Dark
4. Dandy Warhols - Earth to the Dandy Warhols
5. Kaiser Chiefs - Off With Their Heads
1. João Brasil - 8 Hits
2. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
3. Little Joy - Little Joy